Peace treaties, while diverse, generally have a broad common goal: to outline the conditions for a lasting resolution of hostilities between two belligerents. To this end, the provisions of the peace treaty generally deal with common issues. These include formal identification of borders, access and allocation of man-made natural resources, settlement of relevant debts, recognition of refugees, future dispute resolution procedures and identification of relevant practices in accordance with treaty provisions. In addition to similar provisions, peace agreements have similar formats. They often begin with an introduction or preamble specifying the purpose of the peace treaty. These introductions often refrain from repeating all the facts often debated about the conflict, but simply explain that peace will begin. The Treaty of Paris, which ended the War of Independence of the Americas with Great Britain in 1783, begins with, for example, a preface that declares the intentions of both sides to “forget all the misunderstandings and differences of the past” and “guarantee both eternal peace and harmony.” The 1994 peace agreement between Israel and Jordan contains a preamble describing the “end of the state of war” between the two nations. The Treaty of Versailles of the First World War, signed in 1919, renounces an expanded formal introduction in favour of a descriptive title, followed by immediate articles on the creation of the League of Nations. After the start of the peace treaty, the provisions are at the heart of the peace agreement. Because the provisions are numerous and involve many issues, they are often organized in the treaty, much like other long documents. Many contracts are divided into parts, sections, chapters and finally articles. The Treaty of Versaille, for example, consists of fifteen parts.
Part I defines the League of Nations, while Part II describes Germany`s formal borders and Part XI describes the conditions of air navigation. Each part is then divided into sections, each section into chapters and each chapter into articles. For example.B Part X contains economic clauses, Section I, trade relations, which includes Chapter 1, customs legislation, customs duties and restrictions, which contains Article 264, which expressly prohibited Germany from imposing certain restrictions on imported goods. A less complex treaty, such as the 1905 Treaty of Portsmouth, which, for example, ended the Russo-Japanese War, has no exhibits, chapters or sections, but only fifteen articles. Similarly, the Israel-Jordan peace treaty contains 30 articles. A ceasefire is a formal agreement by the combatants to end hostilities and efforts towards a lasting peace settlement follow. A ceasefire is generally more limited than a broader ceasefire, which is a formal agreement to end the fighting. Ceasefires can be misused by the parties for rearmament or re-establishment of troops[1][6] and they generally fail when they are referred to as “failed ceasefires”; [7] However, successful ceasefires can be followed by armistice and then peace agreements. India and Pakistan, for example, have fought three major wars for Kashmir since India`s independence in 1947, but have signed only a formal peace treaty to end Bangladesh`s war of independence in 1972. While ceasefires or ceasefires have imposed two more wars, India and Pakistan have never been able to conclude a formal peace treaty to resolve the Kashmir issue. In contrast, Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David Agreements in 1979. Before Camp David, the two countries had fought several major wars.
Since Camp David, they haven`t faced each other.