10 d) A teacher appointed program advisor receives an administrative allowance of $7,688 effective October 1, March 31, 2014 ,765 with effect as of October 1, 2014. April, March 31, 2015 $7,843 effective April 1, August 31, 2015 (e) A teacher appointed assistant principal receives a management allowance based on 5% of the salary position of the principal assistants on the salary scale and 60% of the 9:01 (f) allowances. (f) A teacher appointed headteacher receives a management allowance according to: as of October 1, 2014 A basic bonus equal to 10% of the headteacher position on the payroll plus: $383 for each of the first 20 full-time equivalent teachers ordered; $193 for each of the next 30 full-time equivalents supported; 97 for each teacher in the remaining supervised full-time equivalents; and $48 for each of the full-time equivalents supervised in education assistant groups, youth facilitators, student, work assistant, civil liability and secretariat groups. As of April 1, March 31, 2015 Basic deduction of 10% of head of school`s salary on the salary scale plus: $387 for each of the first 20 full-time equivalents monitored; $195 for each of the next 30 full-time equivalents supported; 98 for each teacher in the remaining supervised full-time equivalents; and $48 for each of the full-time equivalents supervised in education assistant groups, youth facilitators, student, work assistant, civil liability and secretariat groups. As of April 1, August 31, 2015, the basic 10% deduction of headteacher`s salary on the salary scale plus: $391 for each of the first 20 full-time equivalents monitored; $197 for each of the next 30 full-time equivalents supported; 99 for each teacher in the remaining supervised full-time equivalents; $49 for each of the full-time equivalents supervised in education assistant groups, youth facilitators, student, work assistant, civil liability and secretarial groups. (g) For the purposes of this agreement, the administrative positions for which a management allowance must be paid are the positions defined in Section 1:03 of this agreement. No teacher may be paid at the same time for more than one (1) of these administrative services.