How To Change Custody Agreement In Florida

Cases that are not generally considered a significant change in circumstances include employment assistance, an isolated incident of domestic violence, or even an isolated incidence of drug use. In order for the courts to think seriously about an amendment to a custody order, the applicant parent must be able to demonstrate that the amendment is in the best interests of the child. Life often changes for parents and children after a divorce, and time-sharing agreements may need to be changed to reflect these changes. Whether you want to make changes as co-parents or request changes yourself, contact an experienced child care lawyer in Miami immediately. Lawyer Sandy T. Fox is an expert in matrimonial and family law in Florida Bar Board, who can help you familiarize yourself with the family law process. Getting a change of custody for the kids can be a tough fight, and with the right lawyer on your side can make a difference in your case. In Florida, a judge must authorize a change in timeshare. The person applying for the amendment files a petition in court. The judge then holds a hearing to decide whether the circumstances for a review of the education plan have changed significantly.

Some examples of possible changes may be: If you think “substantial” sounds vaguely, you`re not alone. That is why the Florida judicial system has provided tests to determine how “substantial” a change in circumstances is. To make matters even more complicated, the changes that justify a new time allocation agreement are not really cut and dry. Even if you think your situation complies with Florida`s requirements to change custody of the children, you must prove it to a judge in court. If the court grant your application and order that the education plan be changed, the judge indicates the date on which the new education plan begins. After this “effective date,” the parties will have to follow the new parenting plan. A parent who pulls away is a situation that probably requires some sort of change from Custody. Because the court appreciates the consistency, they may not be willing to change the order so that the child can move with the moving parent, especially if they are in school, have community ties and have other families nearby. In these cases, the court will endeavour to ensure that the distant parent always has some kind of contact and visitation.

In some cases, it is the child who has a strong opinion of what the custody system should be. If life changes and your children grow up, your parenting plan can be updated to meet your children`s current needs. Changing a custody agreement can be exhausting and confusing, but it should not be. Here at LaFrance Family Law, we work with you every step of the way to make sure your family`s time-sharing schedule works best for your child.

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