Noun Clause Subject-Verb Agreement

Noun Clause Subject-Verb Agreement: A Guide for Writers and Editors

As a writer or editor, you may have encountered noun clauses in your writing or editing. A noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun in a sentence. It can act as a subject, object, or complement of the verb. Noun clauses are introduced by words such as “that,” “whether,” “if,” “what,” and “who.”

Subject-verb agreement is a basic grammar rule that applies to all types of sentences, including noun clauses. The agreement refers to how the verb in a sentence must agree with its subject in number and person. In other words, a singular subject must have a singular verb, and a plural subject must have a plural verb.

Here are some examples of noun clauses and their corresponding verb agreement:

That he is coming to the party is good news. (singular subject “that he is coming to the party” takes a singular verb “is”)

Whether we will win or lose the game is uncertain. (singular subject “whether we will win or lose the game” takes a singular verb “is uncertain”)

If she goes to the gym and eats healthy, she will lose weight. (singular subject “if she goes to the gym and eats healthy” takes a singular verb “will lose”)

What she said about the new project is true. (singular subject “what she said about the new project” takes a singular verb “is”)

Whoever broke the vase must pay for it. (singular subject “whoever broke the vase” takes a singular verb “must pay”)

As you may have noticed, a noun clause can be a long sentence or a short phrase. The key is to identify the subject in the clause and match it with the appropriate verb form.

Here are some tips for achieving noun clause subject-verb agreement:

1. Read the sentence carefully and determine the subject of the noun clause.

2. Identify whether the subject is singular or plural.

3. Choose the appropriate verb form based on the subject.

4. Be careful not to be misled by the words that come after the noun clause. The verb must agree with the subject in the noun clause itself, not with the words that follow.

5. If you`re not sure about the subject-verb agreement in a noun clause, consult a grammar guide or seek advice from a colleague who is experienced in grammar and syntax.

In conclusion, noun clause subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of writing and editing. It ensures that sentences are clear, concise, and grammatically correct. As a writer or editor, you should be familiar with noun clauses and the rules of subject-verb agreement to create error-free content. Remember to always pay attention to the subject when dealing with noun clauses and choose the appropriate verb form accordingly.

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